40% Rise in Solar Panel Searches Due to Electricity Shortages

40% Rise in Solar Panel Searches Due to Electricity Shortages

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has recently issued a warning that there may be disruptions in power supply throughout the nation, causing Australians to worry about the power outages, announcing threats mainly for Queensland, Victoria, and NSW.

This power situation is the result of escalating costs, shortage of supplies, high coal prices, and chilly weather. Since winter has arrived, people are being advised to conserve power as the energy supply shortfall is really worrying.

Australians are actively resorting to solar panels to address this energy problem as generators reduce their capacity.

Solar Panels- Google’s Search Interest In Australia

When compared to the average search interest over the previous 12 months, the Google Search Interest for “Solar Panels” in Australia has surged over the past two weeks, rising by 40%.

According to Google Trends, the search interest last week reached a score of 100, which represents the term “peak popularity”.

Ongoing Solar Power Incentives In Victoria

Households can install eligible small-scale renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, through the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme. To make this installation no burden on your pocket, majority of state governments, including Victoria provides a variety of incentives at the state level.

Eligible Australians are finding these rebate incentives to be more and more enticing as reports of electricity shortages are becoming more prevalent in the media.

In Victoria, along with an interest-free loan option, Solar Victoria is providing solar panel refunds of up to $1400 to eligible households. Additionally, existing and new solar PV customers can qualify for a subsidy for solar hot water systems.


According to Roshan Ramnarain, CEO of Energy Matters, “Given the present energy crisis, Australians are actively selecting solar for their power security, as per the information depicted by Google trends. We can only hope the Federal Government will be able to assist Australian households and companies even more during these trying times.

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