Clean Energy to Create Thousands of New Jobs in 2022

Clean Energy to Create Thousands of New Jobs in 2022

The Clean Energy Council recently launched its Roadmap for a Renewable Energy Future prior to the Federal Elections to urged the Australian political leaders to make a commitment in their election propaganda to meet the country’s electricity demand with clean energy by 2030.

The Chief Executive at CEC, Kane Thornton said, “Now is the time to exploit Australia’s natural resources and bring down the cost of electricity. We are now in the situation to position the country as the innate home of energy intensive industries in the Asia Pacific region.

The commitment to clean energy is going to create thousands of new jobs and will boost the economic situation of the regional communities along with introducing a smart infrastructure for an empowered clean energy future.

The nine point roadmap formulated by the CEC consists of the following policies:

  • Powering the Australian economy with wind, solar, hydro, bioenergy and battery storage.
  • Empowering customers and communities in making an easy switch to clean energy.
  • Building a modern, strong and smart electricity infrastructure for clean energy future.
  • Maximising the opportunity of quality clean energy jobs and creation of local supply chain.
  • Providing support for coal communities as the phase-out of coal generation accelerates.
  • Modernising Australia’s energy market and its governance for clean energy transformation.
  • Turbo-charging and supporting the clean energy innovation for its 2020 target.
  • Decarbonising Australian industries and reducing the carbon footprint using clean energy.
  • Helping Australia to become a global clean energy superpower exporting renewable energy.

The Federal Government needs to take the lead for a strong and coordinated strategy that facilitates private investment in the low-cost clean energy sector.

As per Kane Thornton, “Now is the golden opportunity that equals billions of dollars’ worth of private sector investment, creates tens of thousands of long-term jobs, boost economic growth and help sustain regional communities for decades to come.”

Let each one of us take the initiative for accomplishing clean energy goals by 2030 and urge the Federal Government to take more adequate steps regarding the clean energy industry to accelerate the community and economic growth.

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