Solar Victoria Assisting Households In Saving Money & Improving Comfort

Solar Victoria Assisting Households In Saving Money & Improving Comfort

To improve the thermal comfort in households, Minister for Solar Homes, Lily D’Ambrosio, recently announced a $1,000 rebate from Solar Victoria to help install energy-efficient reverse-cycle air conditioners in rental properties. With this rebate, renters can save up to $300 on their power bills every year.

Since its implementation in May 2021 for community housing organisations and in August 2021 for owner occupied properties, more than 3,300 Victorians have proudly taken advantage of this government funded rebate in Victoria.

Eligibility Criteria

  • a rental property must be either earning $500 or less in weekly rent, or
  • occupied by renters holding a valid concession card, or
  • occupied with renters having a combined household income below $90,000, or
  • unoccupied with a potential to earn $500 or less in weekly rent

With the expansion in eligibility criteria, even low-income and more vulnerable Victorian households can benefit from this rebate to keep their homes warm in winter and cooler in summers.

Not only this, to offer a more helping hand, a $200 further rebate is available to upgrade old gas heaters with an additional $500 rebate for upgrading an electrical switchboard.

Since the introduction of new regulations requiring energy-efficient heating in all rental properties, this rebate will play a vital role in supporting rental providers in installing efficient heating systems in their homes. As more than 30 per cent of Victorians rent their homes with 80 per cent of them earning under $90,000, this rebate will offer relief to many.

To make this rebate program a success, all rental providers are capable of applying for two rebates every year with one rebate available per property.


This rebate program will not only help renters struggling to install a new heating and cooling system, but will also assist Victoria in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, thereby making households more resilient to climate change.

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